User:7/Main Page Project

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Hey folks, I've recently relaunched, it's now merged with my blog so I can make sure I'll be making more covers like I used to as well as post updates about all sorts of Muse related banter, check it out when you're not busy checking the wiki out ;) --crazybobbles 00:16, 23 February 2008 (GMT)


MuseWiki is the ultimate resource centre for the British Rock Band Muse. It doubles up as a community and a fansite, provides up to date and disturbingly detailed information about every concept of the band Muse. It's a Muse universe. So make sure you take a good look at the Muse fansite and help out if you think some sections are wrong or some bits need improving. Cheers, Crazybobbles

Founder of MuseWiki, owner of

Matthew Bellamy (vocals, guitar, keyboard, lyrics)
Christopher Wolstenholme (bass, backing vocals)
Dominic Howard (drums, percussion, human bones)

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...that Apocalypse Please is technically a single?

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