The Room Above The Shop (song)

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Matthew Bellamy Song
Name The Room Above The Shop
Album/single Matt Bellamy x Ilan Eshkeri: George Orwell's 1984
Length 1:45
Alternative titles Exogenesis Part III: Redemption
First live performance -
Latest live performance -
Recorded 2024
Writer/composer Matthew Bellamy & Ilan Eshkeri
Producer Matthew Bellamy & Ilan Eshkeri


A beautiful piano song with string, which is a re-work of Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption). The Room Above the Shop is a reference to the place above the Antiques Shop, which Winston decides to rent, so he can be with Julia as there was no "tele screen".

The old man had grown noticeably more cheerful after receiving the four dollars. Winston realized that he would have accepted three or even two. –There’s another room upstairs that you might care to take a look at– he said. –There’s not much in it. Just a few pieces. We’ll do with a light if we’re going upstairs– ― George Orwell, 1984
