The Big Issue (200002 Melody Maker article)
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The Big issue - where the stars speak out.
This week: Matt Bellamy from Muse on the Brit Awards
"It's just an excuse for a lot of people to hang around with other, more famous people. i remember we were at some awards ceremony with Cay once. I was just having a few drinks, thinking I didn't want to be at one of these things ever again. they are just so much bullshit. i think if it's fans voting for you, then that's much better than industry people deciding who should win. But the Brit awards is just a media thing and it's not gonna be all Travis and Stereophonics this year. We're not gonna get anything. I did walk past the Brits once and there was just all these people coming out of limos. Horrible, western materialism. I really hope we're not going. I sincerely hope I've got something better to do that night. Now I've said that, we'll probaly turn up in a big limo smoking cigars."
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