Rowan Edwards

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Rowan Edwards, stupid muscle museum parody man, stupid forgot password button jammer (though he never understood the concept), fourthmember etc call him whatever you want :)

Retarded individual who seeks revenge when someone removed his parody off the muscle museum song page.

Predicted Age

8, though it might be even lower.

Special attacks

  • Button jamming the password reminder
  • Registering several accounts with highly laughable usernames
  • Editing pages which can easily be rolled back

Possible reasons to stupidity

  • General twattyness
  • Bitter from getting his parody removed
  • Still in his pubescent years, probably started having periods
  • Rowan is in fact an organisation hired by the masses to assess the damage control of wiki products, he is actually a double agent hired by MediaWiki to ensure that all wiki admin people should ensure that their wikis are abuse free