Rain (song)

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Muse song
Name Rain
Album/single Newton Abbot demo[1] (10)
Length 4:32
Alternative titles -
First live performance Unknown
7th February 1997 (earliest known performance)
Latest live performance 25th January 1999
Recorded November 1996
Writer/composer Unknown
Producer Muse



A blues-rock song, with two guitar parts and a piano during the quieter sections.

It was one of those on Muse's second demo tape,[1] recorded in Coombeshead Studios, Newtown Abbot. The demo tape which the song is on was brought to light on the 1st December 2007.[1] A segment was not released, though several other songs of the same tape were, on the 24th February 2008.[2]


Live, the song was played circa 1996-1998. Rain was performed sometimes during the band's warmup tour in January - March 1999, though it is unknown how often or when the last performance was. Rain's last performance was more than likely sometime in late February 1999.

This makes Rain the only Muse demo without a proper later release that has been played after the early days of the band (1994-1998).

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Come with me to nowhere

And I'll show you nothing special I'm still pleased to see you Alive

I know you'll forget me But I don't care 'cause I'm always with you You don't care for anyone Ooh

I'm not gonna let you I'm not gonna let your love kill me My heart is strong enough To let them know this

I just need a witness To say that I was there to feel this You'll forget me

So come with me to nowhere And I'll show you nothing special I'm still pleased to see you Alive

I'm not gonna let you I'm not gonna let your love kill me My heart is strong enough To let them know this 'Cause I just need to know that I can

'Cause I just need to know that I can I won't let you I'm not gonna let your love kill Now that you know I'm stronger


  1. Jump up to: a b c songs you will not have heard of b4!!!! (2007-08-01). Retrieved from board.muse.mu.
  2. A-Loonatic (2007-12-08). Retrieved from Crikey. Need a domain here, kthnxbye.