Help:Media archive
This is an archive. Its sole purpose is to act as a reference source that never disappears.
Articles should be stored here verbatim. That is, typed exactly how it was in the original print - spelling mistakes and suchlike should be noted with [sic] straight afterwards. Mistakes maybe asterisked and a footnote may be appended, provided that you make sure it is very apparent that this footnote was not in the original text.
Style-wise, the article should be as similar as possible to the original. If it was a web page, then a link to the original article should be placed under a "See also" header at the bottom.
A brief description may be added in italics at the very top.
Those publications which are still in print should not be added until the publication is out of print. In the mean time, you may reference it by adding a stub page, that is a page without the article itself on it with a description and reference that.
Before starting to add media to this archive, take a look at other archived articles and take note of the unwritten layout conventions.
If you have any input or suggestions regarding anything to do with this archive, such as layout conventions, they should go on the talk page.