Paris Stade de France 2013 - 22nd (gig)

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Revision as of 00:37, 23 June 2013 by Muse311 (talk | contribs)
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Muse show
Venue Stade de France[1][2] [en: Stadium of France]
Date 22nd June 2013[1][2]
Location Paris[1]
Country France
Songs Unknown
Support Unknown
Start (UTC+2) Unknown
Capacity Unknown
Price Unknown
Sold out? Unknown

Announced on the 15th of November, Muse shall perform within Stade de France on the 22nd of June as part of the summer stadium tour.[1] Pre-sale shall start at 10:00 on the 26th,[3] and general sale at 10:00 on the 28th.[2] During this show, "The Roulette" was used 2 times: Dead Star in first. Then, at the end of the song, Matt wanted to do it a second time. So New Born was chosen by "The Roulette".



  1. a b c d Summer Stadiums Announced for 2013 (2012-11-15). Muse website. Retrieved 2012-11-20 from
  2. a b c MUSE - du 21 au 22/06/13 (2012-11). Retrieved 2012-11-20.
  3. Summer Stadiums 2013 (2012-11). Muse website. Retrieved 2012-11-20 from

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