Buenos Aires Teatro Gran Rex 2008 - 23rd (gig)

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Muse show
Venue Teatro Gran Rex[1]
Date 23rd July 2008[1]
Location Buenos Aires[source?]
Country Argentina
Songs 15[source?]
Support Unknown
Start (UTC-3) 21:30[2]
Capacity Unknown
  • 60.00–300.00[2] »
  • 280.00 (silverplates from row 1 to 15)[2]
  • 250.00 (silverplates from row 16 to 20)[2]
  • 220.00 (silverplates from row 21 - 25)[2]
  • 210.00 (silverplates from row 26 - 28)[2]
  • 210.00 (super pullman row 1 to 4)[2]
  • 180.00 (super pullman row 5 to 10)[2]
  • 150.00 (pullman row 1 to 7)[2]
  • 120.00 (pullman row 8 to 13)[2]
  • 90.00 (pullman row 14 to 19)[2]
Sold out? No[2]

This date was announced a day after tickets went on sale for the 24th,[1][3] presumably due to that date selling out. Tickets for this date went on sale on the 13th of June.[1]


Before Sunburn Bellamy "This is a pretty old song. It's called Sunburn".
After Stockholm Syndrome "Gracias [en: Thanks]".


SOUSOUS recorded the concert, from which he shared three songs in audio form and one in both lone audio and video forms. These can be found here[registration needed].



  1. a b c d EXTRA NIGHT IN BUENOS AIRES ADDED! (2008-06-13). Muse website. Retrieved 2008-06-13 from muse.mu[dead link].
  2. a b c d e f g h i j k l (2008-05). [Ticket information page]. Ticketek. Retrieved 2008-05-26 from ticketek.com.ar[dead link].
  3. Medu. (2008-05-23). [Forum post]. Muselive. Retrieved 2008-05-26 from www.muselive.com.
  4. Chris 'SOUSOUS'. (2008-07-25). [Recording]. Muselive. Retrieved 2008-07-25 from www.muselive.com.

See also

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