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/* <pre><nowiki> */ /* CSS placed here will affect users of the Vector skin */ html, body { font-size: 100%; } body { background: black url('images/Human.jpg') no-repeat fixed; } body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, pre, table, th, #siteSub { color: #333; } h1 { border-bottom: .0781em dotted #DDD; } li { list-style-image: none !important; } pre { background-color: #EEE; border-color: #AAA; } #content { background-image: none !important; box-shadow: .36em .264em .16em #000; } /* Hide editing-related info when not editing */ #bodyContent > .hide-this { display: none; } /* Use bullet character, not image, for unordered lists */ #content ul > li { list-style: disc none; } /* But not for some ul */ .toclevel-1, .toclevel-2, .toclevel-3 { list-style-type: none !important; } /* Side-bar */ #p-logo { background: url('wiki.png') no-repeat center center; height: 40px; margin-bottom: 1em; position: relative; top: 0; } #p-logo > a { background-image: none !important; height: 40px !important; } #mw-panel { top: 0 !important; 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-khtml-border-radius: .5em; border-radius: .5em; box-shadow: 0 .0781em .3906em #82A63A, 0 .7813em 1.5625em #FFF inset; display: inline-block; font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: bold; margin: 1em 0; padding: .2em; *display: block; } .gigindex > span { float: left; } .gigindex > span > a { display: block; padding: .3125em; } /* End gig links */ /* Forum link template */ .forum-links { margin-left: 5em; } /* End forum link template */ /* Notice box styling */ .colourbox { border: .0781em solid #AAA; -khtml-border-radius: .5em; border-radius: .5em; color: #000; display: block; font-weight: bold; margin: .5em 10%; padding: .5em; text-align: center; width: 80%; } .colourbox > a { border-bottom: .0781em dotted; color: #000 !important; } .colourbox > a:hover { border-bottom: .0781em solid; text-decoration: none; } .bluebackbox { background: #C9DAE1; box-shadow: 0 .0781em .3906em #0378AE, 0 .7813em 1.5625em #FFF inset; } .greenbackbox { background: #E0E6D3; box-shadow: 0 .0781em .3907em #82A63A, 0 .7813em 1.5625em #FFF inset; } .redbackbox { background: #D68485; box-shadow: 0 .0781em .3907em #AF2022, 0 .7813em 1.5625em #FFF inset; } /* End notice boxes */ /* Box shadows */ /* for .8em tables */ .disco-list, .infbox, .greytable, .gigtable, #pricetable, #speechtable, .tabulature-list, .thumbinner, .gallerybox > .thumb > div > .image > img { box-shadow: .45em .33em .2em #666; } /* End box shadows */ /* Info boxes (+gig tables) */ /* Colours */ .infbox > tbody > tr > th, .greytable > tbody > tr > th, .gigtable > tbody > tr > th { color: #FFF; } .discobox > tbody > tr > th { background: #4D1F68; } .discobox > tbody > tr > th > div { float: right; font-size: xx-small; text-transform: lowercase; } .discobox > tbody > tr > th > div > a:before { content: "⇩"; -o-transition: color 1s, content 1s; -webkit-transition: color 1s, content 1s; transition: color 1s, content 1s; } .discobox > tbody > tr > th > div > a { color: #DAD0DF; -o-transition: color 1s; -webkit-transition: color 1s; transition: color 1s; } .discobox > tbody > tr > th > div > a:hover:before { color: #FFF; content: "⬇" !important; } .discobox > tbody > tr > th > div > a:hover { color: #FFF; text-decoration: none; } .discobox > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1) { background: #DAD0DF; } #gearbox > tbody > tr > th, .greytable > tbody > tr > th { background: #656565; } #gearbox > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1), .greytable > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1) { background: #D9D9D9; } #gigbox > tbody > tr > th, .gigtable > tbody > tr > th { background: #82A63A; } #gigbox > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1), .gigtable > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1) { background: #E0E6D3; } #memberbox > tbody > tr > th { background: #AF2022; } #memberbox > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1) { background: #DEDEDE; } #jambox > tbody > tr > th, #songbox > tbody > tr > th { background: #0378AE; } #jambox > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1), #songbox > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1) { background: #C9DAE1; } #vidbox > tbody > tr > th { background: #E3AF1E; } /* End colours */ /* Info box borders */ .greytable, .greytable > tbody > tr > th, .greytable > tbody > tr > td, .gigtable, .gigtable > tbody > tr > th, .gigtable > tbody > tr > td, .infbox, .infbox > tbody > tr > th, .infbox > tbody > tr > td { border: none !important; padding: .2em .5em .2em .5em !important; } /* Info box left column */ .infbox > tbody > tr > td:first-child { font-weight: bold; } /* Discobox */ .discobox-chron { text-align: center; } .discobox-chron > div, .discobox-chron > a { display: inline-block; font-size: x-small; font-weight: normal; padding: 0 .5em; *display: block; } .discobox-chron-current { font-weight: bold !important; } /* End Discobox */ /* End info boxes */ #backto-muse { border: 0.0781em #AAA solid; -khtml-border-radius: .5em; border-radius: .5em; margin: 1em 1em 1em 0; text-align: center; width: 20em; } /* Discography, tabulature, and video tables */ .disco-list, .tabulature-list, .video-list { border: .0781em #AAA solid; border-radius: .5em; border-spacing: 0; margin-bottom: 1em; } .disco-list > tbody, .tabulature-list > tbody, .video-list > tbody { border-collapse: collapse; } /* 1em / 12.8px * 4px = 0.3125em */ .disco-list > tbody > tr > th, .disco-list > tbody > tr > td { padding: .3125em .5em .3125em .5em; } .tabulature-list > tbody > tr > th, .tabulature-list > tbody > tr > td, .video-list > tbody > tr > td { padding: .3125em; vertical-align: text-top; } .video-list { text-align: center; } /* End discography, tabulature, and video tables */ .columns-auto { -moz-column-width: 20em; -webkit-column-width: 20em; column-width: 20em; } .references { -moz-column-width: 32em; -webkit-column-width: 32em; column-width: 32em; } /* Nav */ .nav { border: 1px #AAA solid; border-collapse: collapse; -khtml-border-radius: .5em; border-radius: .5em; box-shadow: .58em .42em .25em #666; font-size: x-small; padding: 0; text-align: center; } .nav > tbody > tr > th { border: .1em solid transparent; -khtml-border-radius: .5em; border-radius: .5em .5em 0 0; color: #FFF; padding: inherit; } #nav-gig > tbody > tr > th { background: #82A63A; } #nav-song > tbody > tr > th { background: #0378AE; } #nav-vid > tbody > tr > th { background: #E3AF1E; } /* Appears to fix buggy border */ .nav > tbody > tr:last-child { border: .1em solid transparent; } .nav > tbody > tr > td { padding: inherit; } .nav > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2n+1) { -o-transition: background-color 1s; -webkit-transition: background-color 1s; transition: background-color 1s; width: 17em; } #nav-gig > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2n+1):hover { background-color: #E0E6D3; } #nav-song > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2n+1):hover { background-color: #C9DAE1; } /* End Nav */ /* Set lists */ /* hide YouTube link images within set-lists */ .ytube > a { background: none !important; padding: 0 !important; } /* align intro with songs in set-lists * remove bullet therefrom */ #setlist > ul { margin-left: 3.2em; } #intro { list-style: none !important; } /* End set lists */ /* Horizontal scroll for images larger than .body */ .horizontal-scroll > p { overflow-x: scroll; } /* Footer */ #footer-icons { display: none; } #footer { background-color: #FFF; background-image: none !important; border-radius: 0 0 .5em .5em; filter: alpha(opacity=70); margin: 0 auto .5em !important; opacity: .7; -o-transition: opacity 1s; -webkit-transition: opacity 1s; transition: opacity 1s; width: 17em; } #footer:hover { filter: alpha(opacity=100); opacity: 1; } #footer > ul { text-align: center; } #footer-info > li { padding: 0 0 .5em !important; } #footer-places > li { padding: 0 !important; } /* End footer */ /* Tablets and whatnot */ @media handheld { .col > .di { display: block !important; } } /* End tablets */ /* plain styling */ .bold { font-weight: bold; } .normal { font-weight: normal; } .small { font-size: x-small; } .unknown { font-style: italic; } /* For making first letter upper-case */ .TextToUpper:first-letter { text-transform: uppercase; } /* Superscript */ .sup { font-size: x-small; line-height: 0; vertical-align: super; } /* End plain styling */ /* collapsible CSS stuff */ .col { list-style: none none; margin-left: 0; } .col > .di { display: none; } .col:hover > .di { display: block; } /* End collapsible CSS stuff */ /* OoS anniversary */ .page-Leeds_Bramham_Park_2011_gig, .page-Reading_Little_John_s_Farm_2011_gig { background: #FFF url('images/Origin_of_Symmetry_art_%E2%80%93_dark.jpg') repeat-x fixed; background-size: 100%; } .page-Leeds_Bramham_Park_2011_gig > #content > #bodyContent > #gigbox > tbody > tr > th, .page-Reading_Little_John_s_Farm_2011_gig > #content > #bodyContent > #gigbox > tbody > tr > th { background: #B04D48; } .page-Leeds_Bramham_Park_2011_gig > #content > #bodyContent > #gigbox > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1), .page-Reading_Little_John_s_Farm_2011_gig > #content > #bodyContent > #gigbox > tbody > tr:nth-child(2n+1) { background: #FFD1CF; } .page-Leeds_Bramham_Park_2011_gig > #content > #bodyContent > #nav-gig th, .page-Reading_Little_John_s_Farm_2011_gig > #content > #bodyContent > #nav-gig th { background: #B04D48; } .page-Leeds_Bramham_Park_2011_gig > #content > #bodyContent > #nav-gig > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2n+1):hover, .page-Reading_Little_John_s_Farm_2011_gig > #content > #bodyContent > #nav-gig > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2n+1):hover { background-color: #FFD1CF; } /* end OoS anniversary */ /* MOVED FROM COMMONS */ /* Highlight clicked references */ .reference:target, .references > li:target { background-color: #C9DAE1; } /* Make redirects appear in italics in categories and on [[Special:Allpages]] */ .redirect-in-category, .allpagesredirect { font-style: italic; } /* Transparency checkered background on image description pages */ #file > a > img { background: url("") repeat; } /* Remove useless links from printout */ @media print { #privacy, #about, #disclaimer { display:none; } } /* </nowiki></pre> */