Revision as of 19:09, 9 December 2019 by Crazybobbles (talk | contribs)
Welcome to MuseWiki
Now with 50% more rock.
MuseWiki is the ultimate resource centre for the British rock band Muse. It doubles up as a community and a fansite, provides up to date and disturbingly detailed information about every concept of the band Muse. It's a Muse universe. So make sure you take a good look at this Muse fansite and help out if you think some sections are wrong or some bits need improving.
New hosting
We have moved to a new host, hooray.. finally ~_~
Matthew Bellamy
Christopher Wolstenholme
Dominic Howard |
Did you know?...that Matthew Bellamy originally wanted to be a concert pianist, but changed his mind after attending a Rage Against the Machine concert? |