Leeds Bramham Park 2006 (gig)

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Official poster
Muse show
Venue Bramham Park[source?] (Carling Weekend[source?]—main stage - headline)[source?])
Date 27th August 2006[source?]
Location Wetherby, Leeds[source?]
Country United Kingdom
Songs 16[source?]
Support Arctic Monkeys, The Streets, Feeder[source?]
Start (UTC+1) Unknown
Capacity Unknown
Price (GBP) 135.00 (weekend with camping)[source?]
Sold out? Yes[source?]

Nearly torrential rain throughout the gig. Apparently Tom Kirk said that Muse "didn't do an encore because they didn't think it was nice to keep everyone stood in the rain"[1]. Dominic Howard introduced Feeling Good saying "This next song is how the rain feels". After playing Feeling Good, Matthew Bellamy got his trouser brace stuck on the piano stool whilst walking away and had to return to unhook himself to the crowd's amusement.



  1. mike_hunt. (2006-08-28). [Forum post]. Muselive. Retrieved 2006-08-29 from www.muselive.com.

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