Undisclosed Desires (video)

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Undisclosed Desires video
Muse video
Name Undisclosed Desires
Album/single Unknown
Length 3:54
Initial air date 4th November 2009
Filming Location Unknown
Director Unknown
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The music video was shot at 'Elstree Studios' in Borehamwood (around 26km north of London) where ‘Star Wars’ Episodes IV, V and VI were all shot during the late 70’s and early 80’s. The video is a futuristic, dystopian affair that finds the band performing in front of a mass of wires and various TV screens flashing up lyrics from the song. The video was directed by French duo Jonas et François, who have worked with Justin Timberlake, Kanye West, and produced Justice’s lauded ‘D.A.N.C.E’ video.



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