Coombeshead Studios

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Coombeshead Studios logo

The Coombeshead Studios, in Newton Abbot, Devon, are where Muse recorded an 11-track demo between November 1996 and January 1997.[1][2][3] The master of the demo tape is no longer held at the studio, however.[4]

The studios are part of Coombeshead College,[5] in which the members of Muse earlier studied for A levels. Matthew Bellamy studied at least music technology, taught by Mike Prouse. As part of this course, Prouse assessed Muse's performances. Around the time Absolution was released, he recalled Muse as having been typical of the college bands at the time, though "keen".[3]

In 2003, shortly before the release of Absolution, Muse returned to the college to rehearse for the upcoming tour in support of the soon to be released album,[3][4] apparently using both the studios and the drama department.[3]

See also


  1. Michael Stone. (2007-12-08). A-Loonatic. Muselive. Retrieved 2008-04-06 from
  2. Helping You Back To Work Vol. 1 insert
  3. Jump up to: a b c d Colleen Smith. (2003-10-30). Pop Stars' Secret School Sessions. Retrieved 2008-04-06 from [verify]
  4. Jump up to: a b Niall 'SpaceDemented' Goulding. (2008-04-06). Muse demo for sale - Campaign to Obtain - Check For Updates!. Retrieved from
  5. [Coombeshead Studios home page]. Coombeshead Studios. Retrieved 2008-04-06 from