
MuseWiki, wiki for the band Muse
Revision as of 09:06, 15 August 2009 by Tene (talk | contribs) (link ToDo list)
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5,002 articles about Muse, written by 16,652 pornogenic musers (99.5% sign up for the lulz)
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MuseWiki + = Awesome

MuseWiki now joins forces with the official site to bring you detailed and up to date information on Muse releases and tour dates, a new "Black is back" theme is rolled out to celebrate this (hard refresh if you don't see it) so we hope you like it, please use the MuseWiki Black is Back page to discuss any feedback on the theme or any issues you see.

As usual, if you have any information that we lack, can make any improvements or have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to add them. There's still lots to do!

MuseWiki + Twitter = Awesome

MuseWiki now has a twitter account, follow us at


Muse wiki is the ultimate resource centre for the British Rock Band Muse. It doubles up as a community and a fansite, provides up to date and disturbingly detailed information about every concept of the band Muse. It's a Muse universe. So make sure you take a good look at the Muse fansite and help out if you think some sections are wrong or some bits need improving.

Matthew Bellamy (vocals, guitar, keyboard, lyrics)
Christopher Wolstenholme (bass, backing vocals)
(drums, percussion, human bones)

Muse in the news

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Did you know?

...that Spiral Static was originally going to be on Showbiz and not just a bonus track?

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