Fillip (song)

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Muse song
Name Fillip
Length 4:01
Alternative titles -
First live performance Unknown
Latest live performance 13th November 2001
Recorded 1999
Writer/composer Matthew Bellamy
Producer John Leckie



A strange sounding song that goes along with the strange atmosphere of the first six tracks on the album. While rarely mentioned by the band and pronounced by the band two different ways ("Fill-ip" and "Fill-eep"), Fillip was performed at nearly every gig in 1999. It continued to be performed often in 2000 and even into 2001, though it has yet to be performed since. Fillip is an earlier track on the album, dating back to 1996/1997, though likely 1997 based on the fact that it did not make an appearance on the Newton Abbot Demo but still showed up in live performances from the era. This song never really caught on with fans the way that some songs on the album have, making it rare to hear about amongst fan circles.


The word Fillip means something that adds stimulation or enjoyment. It also the word for the action of pushing the thumb and the fingertip (usually the middle finger) together until they give way to one another, producing a cracking sound (sometimes known as 'clicking' or 'snapping' fingers). The latter meaning seems to tie in somewhat with the song's meaning, since producing a fillip suggests calling for immediacy ("It's happening soon/It's happening soon...").


Fillip, though not a fan favourite and somewhat forgotten today, was one of the most played songs from Showbiz. Making its live debut sometime in 1996 and 1997, Fillip continued to make regular appearances in most setlists until mid-2001. Fillip appeared at nearly every concert during the Showbiz era, leading to a very high performance count. Upon the release of Origin of Symmetry, Fillip was performed less often, only making occasional appearances until November 2001 when it was performed for the last time.

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It's happening soon

It's happening soon Its scent has been blowing in my direction

To me it is new To me it is new And it's not gonna change for anybody

And it's gonna be Our last memory And it's led me on And on to you

It's got to be here It's got to be there It's got to be now Or I'll lose forever

To me it is strange This feeling is strange But it's not gonna change for anybody

And it's gonna be Our last memory And it's led me on And on to you

Accuse me Trust me I never knew That you were the one You were the one

And it's gonna be Our last memory And it's led me on And on to you

And it's gonna be Our last memory And it's led me on And on to you

Early live version

To me this is new

To me it is new But it's not gonna change for anybody

It's gotta be here It's gotta be there It's gotta be now 'cause I'm everywhere

And I'm gonna be No longer I live 'cause it led me on And on 'til I be gone

It's gotta be true And I'm not afraid But it's gonna be strange for everybody

It's gotta be here It's gotta be there It's gotta be now 'cause I'm everywhere

And I'm gonna be No longer I live 'cause it led me on And on I can be gone

Accuse me Trust me I never knew That you are the one You are the one

And I'm gonna be No longer I live 'cause it led me on And on to where I have gone

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