
MuseWiki, wiki for the band Muse
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Helllloooo, people!

About Me

Thanks for checking out my page, haha. I am practically addicted to everything Muse, they are, in fact, the greatest band on earth... It's really sad but I have never seen them in concert before (but I AM going to one on the U2 360 tour in October, thank you very much.). My favorite songs in the Muse repertoir are:

1. knights of cydonia (hence the Musername, haha) 2. new born (THANK YOU to whomever [thank you for the grammar lesson, anna] put the piano tablature to this song on the Wiki! I have successfully learned to play it on my keyboard...yay ;) 3. map of the problematique (AWESOME percussion in this song, Dom!! YAY!!) 4. time is running out (SOOOOO catchy!!!)

Well, i suppose this page isn't much about me, more my love for the aptly name British trio...whatever ;)

Other Bands

am i allowed to put the names of other bands on here??? they are bands mostly known to the general public...

anyway, i am a fan of Paramore, Fall Out Boy...what else...My Chemical Romance, definetly...Coldplay, and recently very taken with Dave Matthews...a lot of old rock, basically. All my friends say i have a distorted taste in music.

Misc. (because I don't exactly know how to spell 'miscellaneous'...wait, i just did!haha)

random facts you probably dont know (and most likely dont care) about me! 1. I am currently obsessed with the Legend of Zelda, and have been for a while now. 2. I have a psychopathic band teacher 3. Gerard Way's middle name is ARTHUR! Haha! (wait...that wasn't really about me...whatever!) 4. though i wish i could, i cannot play bass, guitar, or drums, unlike a certain AWESOME British band...

also, the bass in the beginning of "darkshines" sounds like "thriller"! LOL, Chris!

HAVE A PWOPER DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!